Holly Jean on wearing a very short skirt
Things a good girl shouldn’t do in a very short skirt:
1) Ride a bicycle!
2) Climb a ladder (so be careful if you work in a shop with high shelves)
3) Go to the office (you’ll only be putting ideas in the mind of your boss)
4) Bend over in public under ANY circumstances!!!!!!!! This is absolutely crucial, otherwise you risk being the hottest thing on the internet since Tammy NYP (remember there’s always some perve with a handphone camera at the ready these days). And if you do drop something on the floor, don’t panic! Just wait until a friend comes, and then ask them to pick it up for you. But whatever you do, don’t ask your friend to tie up your shoelaces if they should come undone. Else your friend will just punch you in the face for being rude!
5) Use the escalator (there’s always some guy at the end with a handphone waiting to do an “upskirt” pic).
And, if you can avoid it, don’t even sit down:With a skirt this short and tight, even sitting down in a chair is difficult. It’s better to stand. Still, at least it gives you the chance to show off your wonderfully shapely and tanned legs to everybody!
Note: Holly Jean is also a hot tattoo babe and has an angel tattooed on her upper right back:Short skirts and tattoos, Holly Jean knows how to get attention. Way to go girl!
NB: What should you do if you do decide to wear a very short skirt? Wear knickers of course. Just in case! Hahaha!
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