Merry Chen and being a doctor
You are feeling a lot of pain all over and you go to your doctor for a check up:
Doctor: Where are you hurting?
You: You have to help me, I hurt all over
Doctor: What do you mean, all over?..."be a little more specific."
You: Like I said, all over.
Doctor: Ok – touch your right knee.
You: (you touch your right knee with your index finger) Ouch!!!
Doctor: Now touch your left check.
You: Ouch!!!
Doctor: Now touch your ear.
You: Ouch!!!
Doctor: Hmmm…
…You have a broken finger.
But I tell you what - if Merry Chen did become a doctor, she’d have a lot of patients.
And cases of groin strain among males living in Singapore would probably go up by about by 847 percent.
Doctor, I wonder if you could examine me….Who wouldn’t want to be examined by the lovely Merry Chen?
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